going gone?

It's been a while...so much on my mind and so much to worry about. On top of all else that has happened recently, I have a huge choice to make soon. My contract at my school is done on June 28th, and that can't be changed. However, on a surreal Monday a few weeks ago I got a call from head office offering me a new job at head office...well, kind of at head office. It's an emergency teacher position, which means I'd get to travel around and help out at other schools within west Japan. Travel? Get paid? What what? Not to mention the money is better.
But I guess it's not all cotton candy and fluffy puppies. I would be on the road a lot, so it would be a harder to keep up with my friends, both at home and here in Japan. Not to mention, it's another year of my life signed to a piece of paper. But would a chance like this ever show it's face again? If it did, would I then be to old to seize it? I don't know what I'm going to do. I recently spoke to Nancy and told her if I'm staying she is coming to visit me. So that invitation goes out everyone. Nancy gets special stipulations though.
Labels: choice
Shit dude,
That'd be cool if they keep ya. Hell, who knows! Maybe I'll end up in Hiro this time around too, or Okayama, or wherever.
Was walkin' down young today. Saw somethin' stupid and thoughta you.
Some couple were lookin' in the window of this raunchy sex shop. I stole a not-actually-looking glance and started laughin myself. There was this box that said "Romance Makeup". Twas more "Crack Whore Makeup" though, and I thought of that crazy Japanese student you and Sala told me 'bout. Funny shit.
Peace & oats,
Heh, good thing I never told you her name. When she got back to Japan she looked much better. When do you hear back from JET?
Should be next F#$%#$' week.
The suspense make me killing!!
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