Monday, February 05, 2007


Happy anniversary to me, I guess. Let's do the math...

[(60x24)x365]x2=1051200 minutes have I been in Japan.

Two years as of February fourth, assuming there wasn't a leap year somewhere in there I forgot about.

That's some crazy shit.

Saturday night we had a party for Ron and Lauren's birthdays, but I was secretly celebrating for myself as well. It was a nice night, we went to an Izakaya and then to a Gaijin club called Mac. I rolled home at about 4 am, crashed on Tony's floor and slept till about 1 pm the next day. How did I celebrate the 4th? I toured around downtown with Mike Ashbey with a thundering headache. When I got home, I was greeted with a Windows' error, which caused me to reinstall the entire thing. Earlier today, I got it up and running. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS to initialize a RAID when you can't remember what make or model you have. You know what I mean, right?

Anyway, two years in tow and I'm happy enough. Sayonara.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your bafroom calligraphy is lookin' awesome!! Is "Za Big" going to do any exhibitions soon?

8:47 PM  

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