Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My geekdom

Sometimes I think I can be a cool guy. Hell, now I even snowboard, that's cool, right?! I dress nice enough, I have enough friends, my hair isn't always spot on, but it'll do. However, sometimes my inner geek show up....then it's all over. I was watching browsing spikedhumo(u)r the other day, and I came across I hadn't seen a long time.

Now, this guy, Basshunter, called his second album "LOL <(^^,)>" How the HELL do you pronounce that?!!!

The song is about a player created custom map series in Warcraft III. I have played these maps more times than I'm willing to admit... (note, the video is in Swedish)

I can't quite figure out how he goes from a computer room, to a champaign party, to a LAN party with a dance floor, but whatever.

Whoa, I'm such a geek.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sicky McSick Sick

Well, I was really sick over the weekend. I guess I was sick longer than that, but the weekend is when being sick hurts the most...'cause you can't do what you want. On Friday I took my first sick-day in Japan, or half sick-day. I went in, taught one class, started loosing my voice and my bosses decided saving what was left of my voice for Saturday was more...economical. I agreed with this as well seeing I teach more students on Saturday than Friday night. I mean, who wants to come to an English class on Friday night?

Quite a few people, that's who.

So that killed my snowboarding plans for the weekend, seeing as I was trapped in my shoe box all struggling the speak and breathe (I'm a weezer).

Then, my new(ish) neighbour Tabby messaged me and told me there was a festival in my neighbourhood!!! Perfect timing. I figured it was the festival for Bishamondai Temple on the mountain where I run, so I had to go out. At the bottom of the mountain there were lots of little food vendors and stuff set up and lots of families walking around. I was very sick, so I walked very slowly and tried not to make eye contact in-case I saw someone I knew. Anyway, here's a picture of part of the temple from a while ago. I never made it up to the temple, seeing it's a good 45 minute walk...uphill. It's a really nice run...when I have full control of my lung power.

Anyway, I walked around for about half an hour and then headed back to sit in the warmth of my stuffy apartment. What a weekend. :/

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Haven't been here in a while

Well, I went snowboarding again on Monday. I'm really really getting into this. I think this time I only fell about 40 times! I'm pretty sure I didn't get any bruises this time either. And guess what I'm doing this weekend. Yup, that's right. Snowboarding.

Oh, as for work right now, damn I can't wait till my next pay cheque..which is coming in this Friday night. This past month I did my week at tax college, I had a meeting in Okayama, I ran my own meeting at Hiroshima Eki, and I went flyering (Aeon Desu!). This is going to be huge.

But I can't help it, I'm not really the person who gets a big pay cheque and goes and just buys something cool with it anymore. I figure I'll send 30% home, save another 30% for my vacation in March or April, and keep the rest as my spending money this month. I'd really love to go buy an Ipod, a new Hard drive, or a new suit, but damn, there's just too much crap in my apartment as it is. I sound like my dad.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Daft Punk vs The Charleston

Wow, just wow.


w00t! another day of snowboarding. And another day without pictures. My mom, who really likes to read blogs sent me a link to some girl's trip to Nagano. I must stay, those are some really nice pictures. I have nothing, but it's not that I didn't want to take any pictures, au contraire, I really did. I just don't know long any camera could last in my pocket with me falling on it every couple minutes.

Holy F*#% am I sore. Again.

I haven't dared to check my left ass cheek yet, but I'm sure there is a bruise unlike anything I have seen before there. It wasn't so bad this time, but I had a couple duzies. This time we went to Mizuho. It was much nicer than Osa, but that's what the extra money on the receipt was for. I'm going to try to head out again this weekend if I can and the snow is still around.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ret's brog!

Tomorrow I am going to go to snowboarding. Tony and mike and julie-anne go to too. Last time I was go snowboarding I could fall. I can fall often, and in various fashions. today, maybe I buy snowboard pants for reduce price. I hope i can do.

Just had to get that off my chest. I'm pretty sure that's when (lol) my Japanese blog sounds like.


Monday, February 05, 2007


Happy anniversary to me, I guess. Let's do the math...

[(60x24)x365]x2=1051200 minutes have I been in Japan.

Two years as of February fourth, assuming there wasn't a leap year somewhere in there I forgot about.

That's some crazy shit.

Saturday night we had a party for Ron and Lauren's birthdays, but I was secretly celebrating for myself as well. It was a nice night, we went to an Izakaya and then to a Gaijin club called Mac. I rolled home at about 4 am, crashed on Tony's floor and slept till about 1 pm the next day. How did I celebrate the 4th? I toured around downtown with Mike Ashbey with a thundering headache. When I got home, I was greeted with a Windows' error, which caused me to reinstall the entire thing. Earlier today, I got it up and running. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS to initialize a RAID when you can't remember what make or model you have. You know what I mean, right?

Anyway, two years in tow and I'm happy enough. Sayonara.