Everyone has 'em

Everyone has those days...where we say I hate Japan. Today, er...yesterday more so, I had one of those days. They just start with something not going your way, and every little thing builds up. What may have started it was reading about this. After reading that, molehills can become mountains. Japan is a really friendly place, but every now and then you see something questionable. A little sign that reads 'no gaijin,' the empty seat next to you on the full train, or just noticing how close the glass ceiling really is.
Today I was informed that in English we call these the dog days of summer. Do we now? Although I've heard that before, I've never had any idea what it meant. But I guess I must say it. Did you know that I use chopsticks really well? It's truly amazing how well I use them. Oh, and 2 year old children use them well too.
It's not so bad I guess, I think that publication I linked earlier got yanked after one or two issues and then the publishing company went out of business or something. But somebody wanted to make and it then somebody let them.
Moving on, I got a big vacation coming in a few days, and that's going to feel really really good. Too bad my folks are going to be in Alaska during it so I can't head back to the motherland. Between camping and maybe going to visit my old friend Dan, it should prove to be a pretty relaxing time. For relaxing time, make it Suntory time? That shit is terrible. Whatever I'm on about, a few days in the sun should clear it all up.
Lost in translation!! Yugi
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