I'm thinking about heading home for my summer vacation next month. I got two days off next to my already week long holiday, which will connect it to another weekend, giving me a total of 11 days. So, -2 days for flying, one day I'll need back in Hiro to get over jet lag and relax, leaves me about 8 days back home. Now only if I can afford a ticket.....more on that later.
Oh, and my buddy Dan is back, although I haven't heard from him yet he's working on a tiny island off the coast of Nagasaki. What's with me and tragic cities...
If the trip home falls through, I think we're going to head down to Kyushu and go camping. It'll be pretty cool, and I really really hope to see some huge spiders....even though I hate them. Evan took a picture of one down there...and damn. I think I remember him saying he saw it eating a dog-with a knife and fork. There are no poisonous spiders in Japan though, only poisonous snakes.
Yes, please COME HOME!
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