This is in JAPANESE!

To quote my aussie buddy tony when trying to read a free comic he picked up at some anime shop: "this is in Japanese!"
Japanese. It's everywhere. On my cereal, on my bills, and on my clothes. Well the obvious response to this is 'duh,' it's Japan. Right right, I forgot. All I need to do is learn some more and then all will be fine. However, it's easier said than done. Seeing English is the international language, (sorry French, you may be 'officially', but you're really not) studying it is much easier. School, books, and other mediums are everywhere. I had a Japanese teacher for a few months, but he canceled or no-showed my last 5 lessons. There are a couple schools downtown, but I can't get to them in time for lessons seeing as I live in the burbs.
So I study on my own. Which is really really hard cause it's so easy to lose motivation.
Another notion is that the world around me should be my school. Whatever I do should be in Japanese. That doesn't always work; here's what happens:
Situation #1
Derek: Toire wa doko desuka? (where's the bathroom?)
Local: Sumimasen, watashi was eigo ga dekimasen. (Sorry, I can't speak English)
Derek: ....
Situation #2
Derek: Toire wa doko desuka? (where's the bathroom?)
Local: eh?!! (runs away)
Situation #3
Derek: Toire wa doko desuka? (where's the bathroom?)
Local: THERE!!! EETO....where from?! Nice meet you! eh....gomen like japan...
Derek: (runs away)
My coworker Melissa who's half Japanese and can speak it fluently has even had similar experiences. She's asked for directions or when a train leaves only to be answered with 'No!' People are either too excited or too afraid.
Well, that's the end of my venting, I'm going to study a little.
Three cheers for homogenized cultures!
It's also awesome when they speak to you in rapid-fire Japanese, you said, "Sumimasen, nihongo wa wakarimasen" and they just repeat what they said.
Woot! Typo? Mistake?! (I make way more than she does)
Hahahahahaha... dammit this place is killing my English.
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