I realize that there are weird people everywhere in the world. Canada has loads of 'em. England has more. However, Japan breeds a kind of weird that I've never encountered before.
The silent type.
And we're not talking 'the strong, silent type' we all grew up loving in that McCains French Fries ad. I'm talking about the silent, weird type who will barely look at you.
Today this just got to me a little. I work at and Ekaiwa (pronounced Eh-ka-ee-wa). The 'E' means 'English' and 'kaiwa' means 'conversation.'
After I had finished my last class and punched in all my attendance for the day, I noticed there were two perspective students in the interview rooms. Part of my job is to talk to them, and often judge their English level and place them in a class. Lyu had already placed them, so I just dropped in to say hello.
The first girl was sweet. Her name was Kyoko and she worked in a bookstore and she is going BACK to Canada soon. Wicked.
The second girls name is _____. She works at ______. She is _______. She really likes ______. _________.
She was the silent type. I walked in and said 'hi, how are you.' She looked at me, then looked at the floor. I said, 'my name is Derek, what's your name.' She looked harder at the floor. Ok...so maybe her English isn't very good. I pointed at myself and said 'I'm Derek. What's your name?' She looked at me, looked around, then looked at the floor. So, I said 'um...Nice to meet you!' and left.
What a winner.
Let me remind you that kaiwa means 'conversation.'
If you're wondering if she's just too low to say anything, well, she's not. Anyone in Japan can say their name. Or at least knows the word 'name,' cause it's the same word in Japanese. My gestured indicated what was being said. And trust me, I know gestures.
The staff told me she doesn't speak in Japanese either. She just doesn't like to talk. It made me feel like shit when she did that. The office staff weren't so surprised by her though, because apparently, there are many more people like her.....I guess they just don't associate with me.
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