Back online!

After about two weeks I finally have my monitor back. It's nice to be able to read 12 point font again. The only thing I could do with my computer for the past two weeks was play 'Call of Duty 2.' Although it's a great game, one can only shoot so many Germans (or Nazis I guess I should say) in a day.
But the more interesting news would be my marathon yesterday. Or my '10 kilometer' family run as some tools like to call it. My legs are so sore today. I can run 10k easily enough-I did it last week on Saturday morning before work. However this was up in the mountains--so damn, there were some hills. The race went something like this:
0-500 meters: straight uphill (lots of energy still)
500-2 kilometers: gradual slope up (easy enough)
2-6k: gradual slope down (easy enough, I should have ran faster)
6-8k: Steep slope up (HOLY CRAP KILL ME)
8-10: race to the finish. (not to bad)
All it all it was pretty sweet. I placed 80th in my class and finished in 57 minutes and 42 seconds.
Again, sorry for the blag.
Gotta go play Call of Duty.
You do realize that the "10k family run" will magically change nicknames when a certain tool runs it next month. I hate that guy.
what a tool.
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