Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wow I cut all my hair off today. Well I didn't really do it, my barber did. (sorry, inside joke, kind of...)

Big day today! I put up my "I'm leaving" poster in the school lobby. So only my Tuesday students know about it so far. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, um, I'm not leaving japan I'm just changing jobs...but I actually changed jobs about a month ago just nothing changed.

Good, now you're up to date. So I head to Okayama in a Month or so, and in about 3 minutes I'll have an apartment there. (it's 11:47 on July 31st...I think you can figure that out)

What does this mean for me....a hell of a lot I guess. I might be in an office for a while doing indirectly related teaching duties, which will be a welcome change. I'll be sitting right near some of the higher ups, or at least might be.

Japan right now is in the middle of summer, and that means it's dreadfully hot. And let me say this on the net where I can't get slapped, it's NOT a dry heat. I sweat when I wake up in the morning, I sweat when I ride my bike, I sweat when I step outside, hell-I sweat when I'm taking a shower. But then again, so does everyone else. I really want SOMEBODY to come visit me, but I don't know if I'd wish J-summer on my worst enemy. Ok, I would. I'm not sure how all my students survive who have been telling me for the last two months, "it's berry hot, neh?" Anyway, I'm going to miss this place a lot.

On a brighter note, I think traveling should make for a more exciting blog.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'm thinking about heading home for my summer vacation next month. I got two days off next to my already week long holiday, which will connect it to another weekend, giving me a total of 11 days. So, -2 days for flying, one day I'll need back in Hiro to get over jet lag and relax, leaves me about 8 days back home. Now only if I can afford a ticket.....more on that later.

Oh, and my buddy Dan is back, although I haven't heard from him yet he's working on a tiny island off the coast of Nagasaki. What's with me and tragic cities...

If the trip home falls through, I think we're going to head down to Kyushu and go camping. It'll be pretty cool, and I really really hope to see some huge spiders....even though I hate them. Evan took a picture of one down there...and damn. I think I remember him saying he saw it eating a dog-with a knife and fork. There are no poisonous spiders in Japan though, only poisonous snakes.