Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Wow, what a move. I moved from one small place into a smaller place. I traded a nice quiet road for a busy street. Now I have a hallway, rather than a kitchen.

No. All in all it's decent. I mean, aside from the apartment. Moving to a new city and having friends waiting was really nice. Even a few people came up and helped me unpack. Or watch me and Yuko unpack at least.

I guess I'm never that far from home. (Not Canada, I'm damn far from that place)

This weekend I'm heading to...you guessed it, Hiroshima. I have to go to an old students dance show! I think I should say 'want to' rather than 'have to' though, 'cuase I went last year and it was about the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's 6. Also, there's a little birthday I have to attend. Gotta go. I have evil to battle.