Something to write about..
Ok, now I really have something to write about. I got back from Kyoto yesterday, although it was really great, if I see another temple or shrine I'm going to douse myself in gasoline and light myself on fire. More on Kyoto later perhaps...'cause my world just got rocked.
I don't really know where to begin with this....
So Lauren, my coworker, she heard on Thursday that her dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital. Terrible news, but the good news is he's OK. Her folks are split up and are not on good terms, so her dad really doesn't have anyone to turn too, except Lauren, who is in the land of the rising sun.
So Lauren is going home, for good. She's leaving on Tuesday. She's at the travel agent right now buying her ticket I think. She's packed and cleaned her room, and we're having a little goodbye lunch in about half an hour. We'll all miss you Lauren!
As for me, I'll be working with Mimi Gosh for the next month...and this is where things get confusing. As for June 28th, I am finished this job, and starting my new job....which if you don't know/remember is where I get to travel around and teach at other schools that need some help, like what Mimi is going to do at my school.
At the end of June, my replacement is coming to take over my job/life. But that really sucks for my school, getting two noob teachers within a month of each other. (someone will have to replace Mimi too as soon as possible) Now Mimi isn't a 'proper' emergency teacher (ET) she's in fact a trainer, who ETs from time to time. So if all went as originally planned, the n00b would take my place, I would go to honsha (head office) to work...and then the trainer would be teaching at my school....Now that would be just plain dumb.
So from the outside it looks like my first job as an ET will be replacing...myself. Kind of. So the noob (ok, her name is Jessica), will come, and replace me, and then I will replace Mimi, and Mimi will go back to honsha. I'll be working with my own replacement...who will be teaching lauren's classes. I'll be working at my school for Ihavenoideahowlong. 'Till they find a replacement.
How do I feel about all this? Strange...
Lauren is leaving----BAD
Mimi is coming-------GOOD
Staying in Midorii---???
Heart attack---------REALLY BAD
He's ok--------------RELIEVED
I'll leave you with a photo which represents the speed at which life can travel:

That's right: ASTROBOY!